Twice an hour an intercity train departs from Den Helder towards Amsterdam, with Nijmegen as its final destination. The train leaves at four minutes past every half an hour and four minutes past every hour.
For the current travel schedule and different times, visit
Connexxion buses run in Den Helder. The buses run according to the following bus lines:
City lines
30 Station Den Helder - NWZG - Nieuw Den Helder - Station Zuid - Julianadorp Oost - Julianadorp v.v.
31 Station Den Helder - NWZG - Nieuw Den Helder - Oud Den Helder - Station Zuid v.v.
33 Station Den Helder - Veerhaven direction Texel v.v.
34 Station Den Helder - De Schooten v.v.
Regional lines
135 Station Den Helder - Hippolytushoef - Den Oever - Wieringerwerf - Middenmeer - Abbekerk - Hoorn NS v.v.
652 Station Den Helder - Julianadorp - ’t Zand - Station Schagen v.v.
851 Station Den Helder - Julianadorp - Callantsoog - Sint Maartenszee - Petten v.v. (Coastal bus, runs only in summer)
For the current travel schedule and different times, visit
Useful addresses
General practitioner / dentist
Consult the reception of your accommodation for the nearest doctor / dentist.
GP station (evening and weekend service)
Always contact by telephone in advance
Huisduinerweg 3 0223-670470
Emergency pharmacy
Always contact by telephone in advance
Marsdiepstraat 292 0223-623132
Beatrixstraat 48 0223-622603
Hospital (Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep)
Huisduinerweg 3 0223-696969
Rush 112
No rush 0900-8844